So this means that OPKs may give PCOS women false readings because the OPK might not detect a surge in LH as levels are constantly high.īut not with Mira. Not only this, some PCOS women have constantly high LH levels that can be as much three times the normal range. The textbook date for when the ‘average’ woman should ovulate is day 14. So because of this, you don’t know what days you should be testing to find out your fertile days.
Some women with PCOS suffer from irregular cycles. However, they are often inaccurate and not very useful for women who suffer from PCOS and irregular cycles. OPK strips typically show two lines or a smiley face to indicate you are fertile. They detect the surge in your LH which occurs roughly 24-48 hours before ovulation. Now, it is important to stress here that OPKs do not tell you that you are ovulating. During a menstrual cycle, a sudden increase of LH triggers the release of an egg from the ovary. They do this by measuring the amount of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in your urine. So, as you may know, Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) are one of the most popular and accurate ways to predict ovulation. Ovulation Predictor Kits Predict Your Fertile Window I thought that I would forever live my life guessing my fertile and infertile days. The inability to predict when I was ovulating or when my period was due made me feel helpless and broken because my body wasn’t working ‘normally’, as it should be. Irregular cycles are a symptom some women with PCOS suffer from and as someone who has suffered from them, I understand how annoying it can be! It can make conceiving and tracking your cycles more difficult because you are not ovulating at roughly the same time every month.
I think you will agree with me when I say, the inability to predict when you are ovulating with PCOS can be frustrating.