Magic trail trailers
Magic trail trailers

Alcohol should never be served at hiker feeds.Norovirus and other food-borne illnesses are a real concern. Hand washing facilities should be provided at hiker feeds.Hiker feeds should only serve commercially pre-packaged food. In town, if cooked food is provided it should come from an approved, sanitary kitchen.Hiker feeds should never be along remote sections of the A.T.experience for some and lead to trampling of plants, soil compaction, and disturbance of wildlife habitat. Large gatherings in the backcountry can detract from the A.T. regulations require groups to be 25 or fewer smaller is better.Larger groups require a special use permit. Hiker feeds should not be on or block the A.T. Choose Developed Locations Off-Trail. such as state parks that the Trail runs through, or out of sight of the A.T., in locations that will not be damaged by participants, such as paved or gravel areas.The most valuable and essential gift you can give to hikers is to help with Trail maintenance and volunteer recruitment. Trail-Maintaining Club or Trail Crew instead. As a result, “hiker feeds” have become popular however, when not planned properly they can cause overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, and create more work for volunteers.īefore planning a feed, consider the following: ATC Guidelines At the same time, those who admire thru-hikers often want to directly support their journeys. Opportunities to easily obtain food are infrequent. Thru-hikers are famous for the ravenous appetites they develop while hiking long miles on rugged terrain. These acts of generosity are referred to as “trail magic.”Īcts of ​Generosity with ​Unintended ​Negative ​Consequences: ‘Hiker feeds’ Experience-the policy that guides Trail managers to ​preserve the wild, scenic, and natural elements of the Appalachian Trail that allow for the unique feeling of being a part of the natural environment.Īcts of generosity in this wild and primitive setting of the Appalachian Trail–where basic amenities of civilization are intentionally absent–are often received in a heightened sense of wonder and gratitude by hikers. Trail magic ​was born and has flourished on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail within the context of the A.T. Encountering unexpected acts of generosity, that restore one’s faith in humanity.Experiencing something rare, extraordinary, or inspiring in nature.Finding what you need most when you least expect it.People’s interpretation of Trail magic varies widely, however Trail magic can include:

magic trail trailers

The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) didn’t invent Trail magic, but for more than 90 years, we have managed and cared for the Trail where this concept was born. Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Magic trail trailers